
Acknowledgments &c.

[Diego Rivera: La Civilización Tarasca (1950)]

Table of Contents:



General Preface
  1. ‘South Americanism’
  2. Orientalism
    • The Invention of America
    • (Partial) Precedents
  3. Methodology

  1. Introduction:
    Mythologies of South America
    1. Theoretical Models
      • Roland Barthes
    2. The New World
      • Paradise
      • El Dorado
    3. The Gaucho
      • Machismo
      • Carnival

  2. Part 1: Exploration

  3. Behn and the Discoverers
    1. Saussure
    2. Synchronic Section
      • Columbus
      • Montaigne
    3. Oroonoko
      • Conventional Elements
      • Innovation – Subversion

  4. Part 2: Historians and Naturalists

  5. Darwin and the Naturalists
    1. L'invitation au Voyage
    2. The Brazilian Forest
    3. The Voyage of the Beagle
      • Gauchos and Indians
      • The Cordillera

  6. Graham and the Historians
    1. Antonio Conselheiro
    2. The Historians
      • Euclides da Cunha
      • R. B. Cunninghame Graham
      • Mario Vargas Llosa
    3. Conclusion – Ideas of South America

  7. Part 3: Romance

  8. Hudson and the Pastoral
    1. Questions of Genre
    2. Themes and Images
      • Fiction – Non-Fiction
      • South America – England
    3. Green Mansions

  9. Conrad and 'Costaguana'
    1. Landscapes of Romance
      • Critical Modes
      • Seven Examples
    2. Three South Americas
    3. Nostromo

  10. Masefield and the Quest
    1. Sard Harker
      • Mimicry
      • Peculiarities of Character
      • Landscapes
      • Small Town Paranoia
    2. Tenor
    3. Vehicle

  11. Part 4: Translation

  12. Bishop and 'Helena Morley'
    1. Translation
      • The Nature of the Artefact
      • Walter Benjamin
    2. Nightingale Fever
    3. Minha Vida de Menina
      • Society
      • Politics

  13. Conclusion:
    The Idea of the Post-modern
    1. Southern Gothic
    2. The Infernal Desire Machines of Dr Hoffmann
      • The City Under Siege
      • The Mansion of Midnight
      • The River People
      • The Acrobats of Desire
      • The Erotic Traveller
      • The Coast of Africa
      • Lost in Nebulous Time
      • The Castle
    3. Conclusion

  1. Select Bibliography of Primary Sources
    • European
    • Latin American
  2. Select Bibliography of Secondary Sources

  1. Imaginary Countries in South America

  2. English Fictions about South America

[Pollock Halls of Residence (Edinburgh)]


To my supervisor, Mr. Colin Manlove, for much acute criticism.

To my long-suffering readers, Jackie-Anne Jensen and K. M. Ross, for devotion beyond the call of duty.

To Gus Maclean, prince of booksellers, and the class he so consummately embodies.

And finally, to my parents, without whom this stay in Edinburgh would not have been possible at all.


I hereby certify that this thesis was composed by myself, and is entirely my own work.


A Companion Volume to the thesis, in three parts - a 'Chronology of Europe in South America', a 'Chronology of Latin American literature', and a series of bibliographies and discussions of 'South America in Popular Culture' – exists, and may be consulted on application to the author.

[Maldición del malinche]


Companion Volume

Table of Contents:

  1. A Chronology of Europe in South America
    1. Major Authors
    2. Secondary Authors
    3. Chronology
      • Bibliography

  2. A Chronology of Latin American Literature
    1. Major Authors
    2. Secondary Authors
    3. Chronology
      • Bibliography

  3. South America in Popular Culture
    1. Film
    2. Television
      • Abstract
      • List of Programs
      • Bibliography
    3. Visual and Performing Arts
      • Reviews
      • José Donoso: A Seminar
      • List of Events
      • Bibliography
    4. Cartoon
      • Abstract
      • List of Cartoons
      • Bibliography
    5. Travel
      • Abstract
      • List of Books
    6. Popular Fiction
      • Abstract
      • List of Books
    7. The South-West
      • Abstract
      • List of Films
      • List of Books

  1. Theoretical Preface (September 1988)
  2. Reference Guide (March 1988-October 1989)

  • Select Bibliography of Secondary Sources

[Edward Said: Orientalism (1978)]

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